Thursday, October 22, 2009

The other Side of outsourcing

The discovery channel brings us a great look at how India has thrived because of outsourcing. The video takes us along with Thomas L. Friedman to Bangalore, India as he shows us how the technology boom has transformed India. We see an inside look at call centers, applications received are 700 a day for these jobs. If they fall in the 6% of the applicants and end up with the job, they must go to accent neutralization programs to speak a more fluent and natural American English Language. Workers in these call centers make $200 a month which is the equivalent to $1,ooo/mo. for American workers. With this economic boom Friedman interviews an optimistic young entrepreneur who foresees India being a superpower in the future. Towards the end of the video we get a glimpse of the slums of India, and how rich Indian businessmen have set up schools with computers and microsoft office for the poor children to learn and hopefully give them a brighter future.

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