Thursday, October 8, 2009

10 Famous ERP Disasters, Dustups and Disappointments

This article shows the problems Enterprise Systems have given real life companies. It demonstrates 10 Famous ERP disasters, dustups, and disappointments companies have experienced with these products. Here are a few examples from the article that show ERP have cause problems for big companies.

1) Hershey Foods
- The culprit in this case was SAP R/3. This enterpise system prevented Hersheys from delivering $100 mil worth of kisses for halloween, and causing a stock drop of 8%.

2) Nike - Nike went through with a $400 mil upgrade in ERP and supply chain systems, creating a super system. Good Idea? If $100 mil in lost sales and a 20% stock dips qualifies as a good idea. The icing on the cake is that Nike had a collection of class action lawsuits also.

3) HP - Wanting to centralized its ERP system into one SAP prjoect. So many problems occurred, which resulted in the project costing $160 mil in order backlogs and lost revenue. This cost was 5x the project estimation.

4) UMASS - An estimated 27,000 Umass students were unable to find classes and pick up financial aid checks due to buggy portals and ERP applications. Though after a few tense weeks everything was restored.

5) Waste Management - Waste Management is in a legal battle with SAP over an 18 month installation of ERP software. WM filed a lawsuit claiming SAP executives took part in fraudulent sales scheme that resulted in massive failure.


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